The SUCCESSOR of the Russian TSAR

About rescue of son Alexey, about its life, about Nikolay-2 will

© 0:06 28.12.2009г.Р-ДНТ

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Main Alexey Crowning the Will guest

a family icon

Even if everyone keep one opinion, everyone can be mistaken.
Bertran Russell.
Carrying out Romanov Alexey Nikolaevicha's order, the son of the Russian Sovereign Nikolay-2, I shall tell to you the truth about last year lives and Nikolay's death-2 and some members of its family, all that Alexey Nikolaevich to me has told in 1973 I shall describe on this site.

The patrimonial arms

March, 1917
or treachery

Crossing to the reference

from Tobolsk


or " the House of special purpose "

Rescue and ?N?an?an a meeting " favour Divine "

Farewell of members of Family to Alexey



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АЛЕКСЕЙ - about the life in loneliness.
from Romanov Alexey Nikolaevicha's stories.

    Next day I have regained consciousness, привстал on elbows, in the street there was a day, in windows the sun shone. I have recollected last days and tears покатились at me from eyes. The priest having seen me, that I has begun to move, delighted and сказал:-« I thought that you will die. Well you also have frightened me. You should eat, you have absolutely become unprodutive. These monsters you there, likely also did not feed? You Sing soups ». I have eaten, to me it became again bad. Has laid down and has lain till the evening. In the evening I have heard from the priest, that armies Колчака for a long time already in city .Расспросив about road on city, I since morning have decided to go there. The priest has warned me that I did not tell about myself to the first comer to the soldier or the officer, and went up to the highest heads because now many come over to the party of bolsheviks. Early in the morning I have collected the things in a pocket (a button, шеврон, a hairbrush and three rings which to me a distance by parting native) have said goodbye to the priest and have gone to city. There was I long, hour 4 or 5 and have come somewhere in полден. At an input in city has asked one officer as to me to find the senior, that I have an information on Romanovs. It has shown me a direction, has depicted a building and has told, that I need to address to the Sokolov, it is engaged in search of remains. There was a heat and I hardly волок legs, the head was turned, but I have collected all the forces and have gone. Having seen from apart that building that have depicted to me on an input in city, I was delighted - here it my rescue! On an input in foyer there was солдат-a security guard, it has stopped me having asked: - that here it is necessary for you? I have told. That I Cesarevitch Alexey and am urgently necessary for me to the Sokolov. I have absolutely forgotten, вряд-whether that I have been dressed in a tatter and by my kind somebody could - to guess, that I Cesarevitch. At this time in a hall has left well dressed, the officer both going down on ступенькам and dressing white gloves is purely shaved, has thrown to the soldier:
    - That is necessary for this ragamuffin? - Speaks, that to you your nobleness! That it like as - Cesarevitch Alexey.
    - We here almost a month on all district, shovel all tombs, mines, and it here has taken and has appeared. Well and than you will prove, what you Cesarevitch?
    from this mistrust the ground has started to leave from under legs. In opinion of has darkened hope for rescue I have started to thaw … has got into a pocket and have got the first that has got in a hand, it was шеврон and a ring with a small brilliant. Here шеврон with кителя my father and a ring of sister Olga. The officer, having taken me for a shoulder, has developed me from the soldier, other hand has taken a ring, сказал:-« the Quite good bagatelle, we shall put it to investigation, - that полазил in house Ипатовых after execution? At me has darkened in opinion of, I already understood nothing. It has started something to speak on-французки. Then I have caught …...
    - And cesarevitch studied French - and having pushed me to the soldier has told - выброси this ragamuffin and on verst close do not admit. The soldier, having taken me for шиворот, has pushed out on street, aside from an input and has thrown on the ground. I have fallen and have lost consciousness. I have regained consciousness already in an infirmary, in the big room stood a cot with wounded men soldiers. Around laughed and spoke-well here and our Cesarevitch has regained consciousness. The doctor has then come. It has told that I have lain 5 day and in delirium shouted:-that I cesarevitch Alexey, and you have no right with me so to act.. You Have become unprodutive strongly, it is necessary to you поднабрать weight. Here feeding bad, надобно that relatives brought to you meal. - you have who with native? I have recollected last days and have told - was not present. All have killed. The doctor has left. I laid, looking in a ceiling, me brought any meal, but I ate nothing. I did not wish to live. Next day the doctor has sat down by me more close on a chair. It was already old person, all gray-haired, on it there was a white dressing gown, old round glasses, and behind them kind eyes. Having bent to me, it has silently started talking: - « you Know, Алёша I in fact trust you, that you the son of our Tsar. But all in fact, have shot, itself in delirium shouted. And before death, probably, the Father bequeathed to you, that you lived, and you here eat nothing. I have found two rings in your trousers. They will be at me, one I shall change for meal, you should усиленно eat, and the second - as will rise, I to you shall give … to You it is necessary to change a name. Do not refer to цесаревичем as Alexey, be called other name, well though Ivan, Ванькой. And that now such time, that all has mixed, both red and white, to each other run across. Everyone search Romanov's for jewelry, are ready to kill each other. It has taken me for a hand, has a little compressed, has told - Recover, and has left. I have recollected parting with семьёй, its conversation, and in me something has turned over. I have wanted to live. In 2 days I have started to rise to go on kitchen to be fed up. With all has got acquainted, all named me Ваней. In two weeks I have recovered and have remained at hospital, to go to me there was no place, helped on a facilities, hospital attendants. Then send red, and I have left in city, in absolutely unknown to me a life of homeless children and orphans …
    ….. It was necessary to live and spend the night in the thrown disorganized log huts, in cellars of houses, in sheds. To live, it was necessary to beg, on markets stole, that badly laid.. Many of homeless children starved to death … in some years such бродяжной lives I has come across that place that the Father before execution where there should be спрятана a casket with jewelry has described to me. At that time I hardly dragged legs with голодухи, and the God there has resulted me, though I not once passed by on this road. The daddy has left this casket at crossing from Tobolsk … .. Then I was already arranged on постой, have removed a corner, any there was a roof above a head, the bed. I have started to earn additionally in different places. So there were years, I matured … years in 25 at me there were the friends familiar … among people different hearings about execution of family of Romanovs went, and I always would like to tell the truth about myself … And here once I have told to one of the best friends as I considered it, on a surname - Silin, that I Alexey Romanov. It like as though has believed, has started to ask, as I lived and where, etc. in current of month, evenings, I told about the family, about a life in palaces, about crossing to the reference. But here once it has told, that I invent all and than I can prove. I by the nonsense have shown it a casket with jewelry. Having seen it, apparently, has believed them, and all time admiring, говорил: - here to me so to live … … . In some days, I went on city by telegraph, one of my friends here worked, and it has seen in a window, that to me машет that I have stopped. I have waited for it. It has appeared quickly and having allocated me aside quick starts to tell, that here now literally it has accepted on telegraph the telegram from Moscow, about that that bodies of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, me have arrested and have delivered to Moscow, and before, yesterday and today they informed that Silin has informed them on the rescueed Alexey Romanov and has presented as доказательство-драгоценности.-at you there is a floor of hour while I bear it the telegram, be on the lam …. I have quickly run home, have taken the most dear things, in a small small suitcase, have then run on waste ground behind a casket, but the hiding place was empty. I have at full speed rushed to station. When I have run up to platform any train on the West there sent, and I in it have dropped in находу, in last car. Passing by an input in station I have seen, how from it militiamen have run out run and tried to stop a train. But it has already sped up and машинисты did not see машущих hands of servants of authority. The train carried away me on the West, during a new life. I then many times changed names and cities, nobody trusted … so passed years … somehow in Belgorod recruiters typed people for work to drift logs in Carpathians.. I have gone there. At that time have already started to give out passports, and I have written out to myself the passport (for pair bottles of vodka) on the present name - Romanov Alexey Nikolaevich.
    continuation follows...

Romanov's family
Romanov's photos

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