March, 1917 Revolution or treachery Tobolsk Crossing to the reference Runaway from Tobolsk Prison or " the House of special purpose " Rescue and ?N?an?an a meeting " favour Divine " Farewell of members of Family to Alexey Alexey
.СПАСЕНИЕ... It was on July, 16th, 1918 From Romanov Alexey Nikolaevicha's stories.
- When we drove off from the house in the street, from the opposite party, light of headlights of the car has seemed. The security guard the-driver who carried us, сказал:-« In time had time to drive off, they are security officers go on your showers. » Us have brought to any village behind city of kilometers 15. Have lodged in a log hut where there lived the elderly man and the woman. For the second day we were washed in a bath, but have put on in simple clothes. We could go on a fencing and in a kitchen garden with sisters weeded beds, watered cabbage and vegetables which grew there. From meal to us have given bread and a sauerkraut. The old man with us was not so talkative, probably, it was well informed about all event because next day since morning it long instructed Юровский., which has brought a bag of a flour. In couple of days the old man has declared what to feed you there is nothing more and necessary to go to city on a market to change your things and knickknacks, for products. One assistant from дочек because I бабка will go one is necessary from you, and to it one all to not buy up. I cannot leave, because I am responsible for you a head. Next day, since morning its mistress and Olga have gone to city, and before departure the old man has punished to the woman that Оля there is nobody there did not communicate, except for as with shopkeepers.
They have returned from a market along toward evening. Оля all has been raised, has brought a heap of news. Told, that on city hearings go; - that all Imperial family somewhere has disappeared, and what in house Ипатовых, all in blood where corpses have disappeared? - nobody knows. And still it has met on market Терентия Чемадурова which served at the daddy камердинером almost 10 years. It has occured absolutely unexpectedly. - I went on a market, with any casket in hands what to exchange it for products, and it, having stopped opposite, have told that it is a thing of Imperial family and when it has lifted eyes on me, and our sights have met, I have learned it, and it me though I was in country clothes, it has taken me for a hand and from it потекли tears, has told - you are alive деточка? And how the others? I to it have told all, have asked anybody nothing to speak. It has promised to me, and about itself has told, that it, Advice held in prison and here recently have released, that on city leaflets are stuck - that Tsar is killed. It was going to go to the family to Tobolsk.. Still heard on a market, that on city … army Kolchaka is going to go To that evening we, for last month, probably, first time were full. Me already стошнило.
… We have lived in this villages of week two … but in villages all about all know, and curious boys often approached to a fencing to learn, what for поселенцы have appeared, often asked who such?-we spoke them, that distant relatives хозяевов … from them we have learned that in the nearest villages already "white". The father has tried to bribe the old man, for the big ring with a brilliant that that has gone to to the next village and has informed, that here Imperial family … it has skipped away on a horse, and later hour three has resulted Юровского with three Red Army men similar more on gangsters. Us have set on a cart and have transported somewhere in railway workshops. Near to the railway. There we were locked up, under the lock outside were hour. Through not how many days to us have declared that will shoot us, and the Father has asked that before execution to us have resulted the priest