The SUCCESSOR of the Russian TSAR

About rescue of son Alexey, about its life, about Nikolay-2 will

© 0:06 28.12.2009г.Р-ДНТ

To read in Russian - русский.

Main Alexey Crowning the Will guest

a family icon

Even if everyone keep one opinion, everyone can be mistaken.
Bertran Russell.
Carrying out Romanov Alexey Nikolaevicha's order, the son of the Russian Sovereign Nikolay-2, I shall tell to you the truth about last year lives and Nikolay's death-2 and some members of its family, all that Alexey Nikolaevich to me has told in 1973 I shall describe on this site.

The patrimonial arms

March, 1917
or treachery

Crossing to the reference

from Tobolsk


or " the House of special purpose "

Rescue and ?N?an?an a meeting " favour Divine "

Farewell of members of Family to Alexey



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Farewell of family of Romanovs to Alexey on August, 20th 1918года
From Romanov Alexey Nikolaevicha's stories.

    … to morning on August, 20th, 1918 my Father, Nikolay Aleksandrovich, has invited me in other room where they with mum were. , Nikolay Aleksandrovich, has told to me, that yesterday it розговаривал with the Lord the God and that has shown night to it, that will be with Russia. 77 years will exist the Soviet authority, that tomorrow us will withdraw on execution, and you Alexey will remain to live, will leave with the priest whom one will come not, the Lord the God will send It to us to rescue you. Then the Father has asked me to give клятву:-« Never to leave Russia, as though to me it was not heavy, and never to betray the Fatherland! » You will have very heavy life, you will live all conscious life under an another's name and a surname, from you on light there will be a son, your blood, but you will see it in 4 years after its birthday. It will live beside, in another's family, and the person bringing up will know it whose it the son and who you. When it will reach the majority, you to it will tell all about our family, will transfer it everything, that I to you shall tell, will lead crowning, that « the cap of board » would pass to it. It let stores all secret before the termination of board of the Soviet Authority and transition of Russia by the settled, legislative life, after vague times of return revolution. Then let it will execute my will which I shall tell and I shall write, here on a underside of our family icon … You will live till that day when the Soviet authority will fail, but already by virtue of the age, cannot execute my assignment. The second reason of default of my will will be that in the end of the fiftieth years will catch you КГБешники and Advice will compel you, under threat of execution, to swear on the Bible, presence of church attendants,-never to refer to - as "Romanov Alexey Nikolaevichem"
    - … having glanced in бущее our country I have seen a terrible picture. Civil war will proceed; the brother will go on the brother; the son will go on the father; the Earth will become covered by the rivers of blood, everyone will plunder and will divide to make very few people will want. After civil many will return to the Earth, will start it to process and will well begin to live, but for a short while. Revolts of peasants on губерниям-will go and will be severely suppressed, children will be shot everything, even. Arrests, раскулачивание again will go. Russia will put on in camp of prisoners. Will begin unnecessary construction. Рытьё channels where people will die as the fly, and anybody will not consider them … in cities and provinces will go .разнарядки, on how many to arrest people … people will start to be afraid each other, on any denunciation put all for 10 both 15 years … and the majority of them will not return to the families. Millions people … will be lost The Soviet Authority will fasten on me a label « bloody Tsar » for execution of demonstration of 1908 .было is killed 108 person. But Russian people let knows, that my fault in their destruction is not present. And historians can prove it .. « this day I with семьёй, was in Tsarskoe Selo and communication at that time (telephone) was not, when revolt to me has begun have sent the messenger, I at once have sat down in the carriage and have rushed off in city. But when we have driven, all was already over, people has run up, and corpses along the street laid. I have taken fault on myself having counted responsible for all event in the country ….. … .Оглядываясь back in the past, I very much regret, that could not persuade Столыпина, put to it constant protection. This person very much could make much for Fatherland … .. Very much I regret, that has not insisted on that doctor Botkin has left with us, with Ипатьевского at home, in fact it could leave from village, as a last resort run away … Next day the priest has come. It has read through prays. Then all have started to say goodbye to me … Olga has removed from itself a cameo with a face of the man and the woman and this relic of a sort of Romanovs has dressed it to me сказав:-« let, stores you always. Do not remove it and remember us … » Then send "executioners" and have told that withdraw all over again women, вытолкав in backs they somewhere have led them in the next building. In the meantime on me the monastic dressing gown and the priest has dressed, having told guard that it let out, has led me somewhere along sheds. Meters through hundred or more, it has stopped, has opened a shed and has told to me that I sat silently as the mouse until then while it will not come. Day was clear and silent, there was a death silence and was audible as in a corner of a shed mice potter about, and suddenly гдето heart-breaking, inhuman shouts in the distance were heard. First one female voice, and behind it at once another, I have learned them, and at me have grown turbid in a head. It were voices of mum and sister Olga. Voices have abated, the man's abuse with cries then was heard. Suddenly I have felt and have understood, that they already are not present in this world. Till the evening it was silent, but then suddenly, silence has broken off, a volley from rifles. Hardly later two shots from a revolver were distributed and it seemed to me that bullets have flown in me. I was in any полузабытьи about an hour. Has regained consciousness that заскрепели doors of a shed and the priest has entered. « We shall go Cesarevitch, you will say goodbye to the father. These red devils already send away. Your Father will be buried old солдат.25 years by it has served to the Throne and Fatherland and will bury yours папеньку as the soldier. Already darkened. We пршли in a small court yard. At a fence the old soldier dug a tomb. One already has been dug by less size. Beside two corpses laid. One is covered by an overcoat, and second my FATHER. It laid on a back, in area of a breast and a stomach spots of blood were visible, the head sideways at a temple has been punched by a bullet, on a hand where the Father carried a ring, the finger, pockets кителя have been chopped off were turned out outside. I have frozen with horror and long faced to it, not having uttered words .Старый the soldier, having dug down a tomb have got out and have approached to me, приобняв me for shoulders сказал:-« be not silent the sonny, cry also to you it becomes easier. And the father to not return any more. » I have fallen to the Father and розрыдался.. Then the priest has read through prays. But before putting the Father in a tomb the soldier has torn off шеврон from a collar of a uniform of the Father, then a button with кителя, has lifted a hairbrush from the ground and has transferred me сказав:-« keep a particle of the Father ». » …. Then they have together shifted the Father in a tomb. The soldier has told that we left, it will consult one further. It was already almost dark, I followed the priest and it seemed to me, that all it occurs not to me … I do not know I or not but as soon as расцвело I was broke slept and have run in workshops. Having come running in a court yard I have seen two small холмика and on them with штакетин a fence, small crosses … closed eyes tears to me.. Then suddenly I have recollected about mum and sisters and have run to search for them on premises. Running out from last shed I in an emphasis have come across the priest. I have asked: - « Where my sisters and mum? » - do not search you for them. Reconcile to destiny. They are not present in this world … you more has remained one, get used to it … And never and tell nobody, that the son of Tsar, now such time, anything sacred on the ground does not remain, people will report on communists and you will shoot … Which as I have reached with it to it home, and have fallen in unconsciousness. -

    ---from авт.-th looked and listened to it, and it seemed to me, that I am near to it that 18 year. That that it experienced that time anew, at me for a second did not raise the doubts. All this time, periodically, at it from eyes tears rolled down, it at all did not wipe them, its sight did not ask compassion, in it confidence, that to it trust, and time will come when all world learns the truth about its family and about it.

Romanov's family
Romanov's photos

a genealogical branch

My mail

 son Nikolay-2 is alive


Main Alexey I NOT WRITER ИЗВЕНИТЕ FOR STYLE. As spoke раньше:-" the REQUEST In ТОПЁРА TO NOT SHOOT, - IT PLAYS AS CAN "> the Will guest
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