March, 1917 Revolution or treachery Tobolsk Crossing to the reference RUNAWAY from Tobolsk Prison or " the House of special purpose " Rescue and ?N?an?an a meeting " favour Divine " Farewell of members of Family to Alexey Alexey
Runaway from Tobolsk From Romanov Alexey Nikolaevicha's stories.
Runaway took place in the end of October, 1917. The first day has left on a ferry through Irtysh. On the second since early morning we were in a way. Weather stood fine, and my sisters even were pleased to such travel, anybody even did not represent, that for us waits ahead. And ahead the winter approached. For the third day of a way have struck frosts at night, and the ground has fallen asleep. The road has turned to continuous potholes and the trip after it turned to torture. By the evening it seemed, that the head will fall off this driving. It was warm in the afternoon, and all spoke, that autumn warm. On a way of " our expedition », came across much ручьёв and rivulets which should be overcome in ford, sometimes horses could pull out on other coast of a cart, and officers had to help to push out carts with ручьёв. The small snow has often started to be broken, and the ground has begun gradually day after day, to be covered by a snow coverlet. The father of all hurried, being afraid, that disappearance can notice and send for us a pursuit.
For the third weeks of a way all were exhausted and устали. Officers have started to show the discontent and to demand a halt for some days. My sisters and I have started to hurt, doctor Botkin has started to demand from the Father that the family has returned back, differently it does not warrant for my life. This road, appear, will not be the end. By the end of thirds of week we send to the river Ob, to its inflow. Here under the plan of runaway, a cart it was necessary to alter in сани and further to move on зимнику. But at that time р. Ob has not frozen. Our "group" has approached to any зимнику, there there were four or five log huts and the father has declared a halt for three days. We, all family and doctor Botkin, have stopped in a log hut which stood at some distance from other log huts, meters on thirty.
Conductors have executed the obligation and having been discharged here have left for night, having warned the Father that any trouble and that it was on the check approaches. After a while to a log hut send officers and have started to demand the promised payment for support. The father has given out to all of them, everyone - gold, all promised and has taken from them a word, that all of them will finish family to Yakutsk. Still, according to doctor Botkin, It has given them the canister of spirit that people were warmed after the long transition, many of them coughed also doctor Botkin of all having examined has told, that it простудные diseases …
From Nikolay's story-2 to the son follows, - that it did not sleep that night and among night has heard deaf shots in the next log huts. It has quickly put on and has left on street to understand, that occurs. Shots reached from all three log huts, but was dark also anything from is far, it was impossible to make out. Then all has abated. After a while it has heard voices of two people which went in a direction of their log hut, at the weapon in hands and loudly swore among themselves … I became for a corner of a log hut that I невидали and from обрывков phrases was caught следующее:-… what for by you has finished the ? - they were already нежильцы, wounded men дыли only a burden, and to us will get more. - children can we shall leave? And the doctor in fact treated us? ---any witnesses, all in the charge. The winter of all will cover and till the spring nobody will find them, and by then we shall be already abroad …
I have woken up from a roar of a door, in it two persons the weapon in hands have become hollow and have loudly begun орать:-wake up! - pull out the jewelry and can pray at parting! Where sovereign? In the answer two shots have sounded. People have fallen not having uttered more a sound, in a doorway there was a Father with two revolvers in hands. My sisters have started to roar, at mum the hysterics has begun. The father has started to calm mother has told that the worst behind and we since morning come back back to Tobolsk. It has depicted a picture come, to doctor Botkin and that was caused to go to look, probably, there there are wounded men. Having returned therefrom, the doctor was pale as a leaf of a paper, and it has informed, that there is no alive person. Shout and groans of women has again begun... I then, strongly hurted and have again lost consciousness. I have regained consciousness because, that me transferred on a cart, there was a midday, and we on two carts have gone to a way back. I often lost consciousness on all way and doctor Botkin went all road to one cart with me. It was both the doctor and the carrier. Replaceable horses and the Father have been adhered to each cart with the doctor changed them. To us has carried that after departure of conductors the snow and we has not dropped out, on their traces three days went almost. We have arrived to Tobolsk in two weeks, it was in the evening on December, 5th, 1917. All strongly coughed and sneezed, all had a temperature, even the doctor was sick.
Next day, on morning to us the local authorities was declared, they have found out our disappearance about three days ago and were very malicious, but, seeing our condition, поостыли, have exposed the strengthened protection and have left.